Physician Wellness
Physician/Medical Provider Wellness
To take care of others, start by taking care of yourself. As a medical provider you have spent much of your education and training learning to help others, however it is just as important to find balance in your own life.
Burn out is often described as a long term, an unresolvable employment-related stressor that leads to exhaustion, detachment, and lack of personal accomplishment. The top causes of burnout continue to be related to long hours, overwhelming workload, lack of support and most recently COVID-19 pandemic. This combined with commitments to family and friends, as well as challenges related to finances or possible student loan debt can easily compromise the mental health of a medical provider.
I believe that psychotherapy for medical residents, fellows, physicians, and medical providers in general is essential, as even the most successful individuals need to learn adaptive coping mechanisms. Within my practice, we utilize a developmental approach to better understand the needs of the physician or provider in training so they are well equipt with tools that will increase their emotional well-being. By learning these tools, they are better able to engage with their personal and professional connections.
My practice is accessible for long and variable work hours as we are completely virtual via Simple Practice (HIPAA compliant) and phone. I have partnered with the Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society as a Resiliency Consultant (5 free sessions for members) to increase ability of local residents and providers to access my services.
A free tool through Stanford’s WellMD & WellPhD Center to assess your well-being is available, let’s discuss your scores when you are ready! Please feel free to contact me today to see if we are a good fit.
Current Contract: Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society’s Joy of Medicine –