Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
People seek out therapy for a wide array of concerns. Some examples include transitional times in one’s life as it relates to culture, employment, health, identity, immigration status, loss/grief, medical illness, birth of child, relationships, and religion. These challenges are common in many of our lives, however, they can become problematic when you are no longer enjoying the things you once used to or are unable to connect with your loved ones in a meaningful way.
I have over 10 years of experience in working with goals related to a wide array of diagnoses related to lifestyles change, phase of life concerns, health difficulties, stress management and relationship challenges. As we embark on your goals, I incorporate culturally responsive practices to support wellness within your personalized experience. My goal is to provide a safe and non-judgmental space to work on these challenges through education, skill-building, and creating realistic and positive change. There is no right or wrong time to utilize therapy, however as you begin this journey ask yourself if you feel ready for this process.
I encourage you to ask yourself a few questions:
1. Does Dr. Tumber-Bhela appear to be someone I can connect with?
2. Are there any barriers related to me attending therapy?
3. Am I ready to make an active change in my life?
4. What are my treatment goals?
If you feel ready to engage in therapy, please connect with me today for a consultation.