Sacramento Valley Psychological Association Issue No. 47 March 2021
As the new Diversity Chair for SVPA I would like share my concern and dismay with recent local and international events. Although we may all be fatigued from ongoing pandemic and political climates, it is important to be informed about current events in order to provide adequate and culturally responsive care consist with our ethical responsibility as psychologists and mental health providers.
Internationally, the last 20 weeks have been trying for the South Asian community, specifically within India’s agricultural community. Farmers in Northern India have been demonstrating near the capital, Delhi, against new farming reforms which they believe will endanger their livelihoods. Most recently, the protests have come into mainstream media as Rihanna, Cory Booker, Meena Harris, Rupi Kaur, etc. have come out in support of these farmers. As mental health providers, these protests impact our patients and their families as many from the Punjab region, as well as Sikh community are amount the highest populations within the United States in Northern California. I encourage you to better understand these protests and how they may be impacting your patients and their families (e.g. fear, trauma, depression, anxiety, etc.). As a part of my title in SVPA and a member of the social justice committee, I want to share #istandwithfarmers and denounce the human rights violations taking place within the Indian democracy.
Locally, we again continue to struggle with Xenophobia within the Asian community as a whole. The rampant hate crimes against Asian Americans have spiked not only locally but nationally as businesses, community centers, places of worship are vandalized and Asians are being increasingly harmed. We denounce these acts of violence and encourage supporters to educate themselves, as well as their communities and speak out against these crimes. We stand in solidarity with the Asian community.
As we continue to work through these trying times, we turn to the American Psychological Association recommendations as self-care strategies: pace yourself, breathe, maintain good health habits, exercise, CONNECT with each other and your family/friends/community, take breaks often, maintain structure, and utilize flexibility. If additional resources are needed, please utilize the mental health services we often share with our patients.
Thank you and be well.